The rainfed cropping system based on the durum wheat-sunflower rotation is very common in Central Italy, to the point of being the almost exclusive system in some areas. The predominance of the system, and the suboptimal environmental conditions in which such system is implemented make it at risk in scenarios of possible worsening of weather patterns as estimated by weather change scenarios. The objectives of this paper were: 1) to estimate the impact of climate change on the agronomic performance and long term soil fertility; 2) to explore adaptation strategies and to identify research needs. Three years of field data on current cropping system practices were collected at two microcatchments of the Marche (Central Italy) to calibrate the cropping systems simulation model CropSyst. Crops yield and soil organic matter dynamics were analyzed in relation to increased air temperature and CO2 concentration, as forecasted by different future climate scenarios. To assess the impact of climatic change on mean crop yields and variability, two fifty-years equilibrium climate datasets were generated from a local 20-years daily temperature and rainfall dataset assuming for each scenario constant climate at different atmospheric CO2 concentration: "baseline" [CO2] = 350 ppm; 2040 equilibrium [CO2] = 450 ppm. To assess the long term impact of climatic change on soil organic matter content, three 100-years transient climatic scenarios were generated from a 20-years daily temperature and rainfall dataset of a neighbouring station: transient "baseline" scenarios with current [CO2] = 350 ppm; transient "A2" and "B2" scenarios, characterised by an yearly increase of [CO2] starting from current conditions to final values of 840 and 620 ppm respectively. Under 2040 equilibrium scenario, sunflower showed a slight increase of mean grain yield +12%, while durum wheat grain yield was not significantly different from "baseline". Under "baseline" transient scenarios and starting from a current soil organic matter content of 0.9%, CropSyst simulated a progressive decrease of soil organic matter down to 0.6% after 100 years. Under "B2" and "A2" scenarios, increased soil temperature simulated by CropSyst resulted in a sharper decrease of the soil organic matter, leading respectively 0.5% and 0.4% after 100 years. Results suggest that while climate change impacts on current rainfed cropping systems of central Italy may not be visible in the short term on crop yields, long term sustainability is expected to decline noticeably, even under "baseline" climatic scenarios. In terms of bio-physical research, further efforts should be addressed on the relationships between agronomic practices and seasonal dynamics of soil organic matter mineralization due to soil temperature.
Il sistema colturale asciutto basato sull’avvicendamento frumento duro-girasole è molto comune in Italia centrale, al punto di essere quasi esclusivo in alcune aree. La predominanza del sistema e le condizioni ambientali subottimali in cui esso è adottato, lo rendono vulnerabile nell’ipotesi di peggioramento delle tendenze climatiche, secondo quanto previsto dagli scenari di cambiamento climatico. Gli obiettivi di questo lavoro sono stati: 1) stimare l’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici su rese colturali, bilancio idrico e fertilità del suolo a lungo termine; 2) esplorare strategie di mitigazione e indirizzare ulteriori ricerche. Sono stati raccolti tre anni di dati sulle pratiche colturali adottate in due microbacini delle Marche per calibrare il modello di simulazione dei sistemi colturali CropSyst. Rese colturali e dinamica della sostanza organica sono state analizzate in relazione alla dinamica di temperatura dell’aria e concentrazione di CO2 prevista da differenti scenari climatici futuri. Per valutare l’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici su medie e variabilità delle rese colturali, sono stati generati due scenari climatici equilibrium di cinquanta anni a partire da una serie reale di dati giornalieri di temperatura e precipitazione, assumendo per ogni scenario clima costante e differenti concentrazioni atmosferiche di CO2: “baseline” [CO2] = 350 ppm; 2040 equilibrium [CO2] = 450 ppm. Per valutare l’impatto a lungo termine del cambiamento climatico sul contenuto di sostanza organica a partire da venti anni di dati giornalieri di temperatura e precipitazioni di una stazione meteorologica vicina, sono stati generati tre scenari climatici transient: lo scenario “baseline”, con [CO2] attuale = 350 ppm; gli scenari transient “A2” e “B2”, caratterizzati da un progressivo incremento di [CO2] da 350 ppm fino 840 e 620 ppm rispettivamente. Nello scenario equilibrium 2040, la resa del girasole ha mostrato un leggero incremento (+12%), mentre quella del frumento duro non è stata significativamente differente dal “baseline”. Nello scenario transient “baseline”, partendo da un contenuto attuale di sostanza organica nel suolo di 0.9%, CropSyst ha simulato un progressivo declino della sostanza organica, fino a 0,6% dopo 100 anni. Negli scenari “B2” e “A2”, gli incrementi di temperatura del suolo simulati da CropSyst hanno favorito l’ulteriore diminuzione di sostanza organica, rispettivamente fino a 0,5% e 0,4% dopo 100 anni. Mentre l’impatto a breve termine dei cambiamenti climatici sulle rese degli attuali sistemi colturali in asciutto del centro Italia non appare determinante, la loro sostenibilità di lungo termine sembra essere in pericolo anche nello scenario “baseline”. Ulteriori sperimentazioni di campo sono necessarie per validare le relazioni tra pratiche agricole e dinamiche stagionali della mineralizzazione della sostanza organica legate alla dinamica della temperatura del suolo.
Impact of different climate change scenarios on rainfed cropping systems in Central Italy / DE SANCTIS, G.; Donatelli, M.; Orsini, R.; Toderi, M.; Roggero, Pier Paolo. - In: RIVISTA ITALIANA DI AGROMETEOROLOGIA. - ISSN 1824-8705. - 2:(2008), pp. 38-45.
Impact of different climate change scenarios on rainfed cropping systems in Central Italy
ROGGERO, Pier Paolo
The rainfed cropping system based on the durum wheat-sunflower rotation is very common in Central Italy, to the point of being the almost exclusive system in some areas. The predominance of the system, and the suboptimal environmental conditions in which such system is implemented make it at risk in scenarios of possible worsening of weather patterns as estimated by weather change scenarios. The objectives of this paper were: 1) to estimate the impact of climate change on the agronomic performance and long term soil fertility; 2) to explore adaptation strategies and to identify research needs. Three years of field data on current cropping system practices were collected at two microcatchments of the Marche (Central Italy) to calibrate the cropping systems simulation model CropSyst. Crops yield and soil organic matter dynamics were analyzed in relation to increased air temperature and CO2 concentration, as forecasted by different future climate scenarios. To assess the impact of climatic change on mean crop yields and variability, two fifty-years equilibrium climate datasets were generated from a local 20-years daily temperature and rainfall dataset assuming for each scenario constant climate at different atmospheric CO2 concentration: "baseline" [CO2] = 350 ppm; 2040 equilibrium [CO2] = 450 ppm. To assess the long term impact of climatic change on soil organic matter content, three 100-years transient climatic scenarios were generated from a 20-years daily temperature and rainfall dataset of a neighbouring station: transient "baseline" scenarios with current [CO2] = 350 ppm; transient "A2" and "B2" scenarios, characterised by an yearly increase of [CO2] starting from current conditions to final values of 840 and 620 ppm respectively. Under 2040 equilibrium scenario, sunflower showed a slight increase of mean grain yield +12%, while durum wheat grain yield was not significantly different from "baseline". Under "baseline" transient scenarios and starting from a current soil organic matter content of 0.9%, CropSyst simulated a progressive decrease of soil organic matter down to 0.6% after 100 years. Under "B2" and "A2" scenarios, increased soil temperature simulated by CropSyst resulted in a sharper decrease of the soil organic matter, leading respectively 0.5% and 0.4% after 100 years. Results suggest that while climate change impacts on current rainfed cropping systems of central Italy may not be visible in the short term on crop yields, long term sustainability is expected to decline noticeably, even under "baseline" climatic scenarios. In terms of bio-physical research, further efforts should be addressed on the relationships between agronomic practices and seasonal dynamics of soil organic matter mineralization due to soil temperature.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.