Erosion is one of the main factors involved in soil degradation, affecting 5-6 million hectares of soil every year. The consequent loss of the most fertile portion of the soil and surface water pollution present high economic and environmental costs for the community. Central Italy, because of its characteristic geomorphology and the current prevailing land use options, can be considered a vulnerable area to soil erosion. In fact, the prevalence of clayey soils and cropping systems based on durum wheat, frequently in rotation with sunflower and other spring-summer crops, implies bare soil for many months and exposes it to considerable erosion risk. In the last 15 years, physically-based models have been developed to analyze processes related to erosion and to compare alternative land management options in order to minimize the vulnerability of agricultural lands. In this study, the simulation model EUROSEM has been calibrated and validated using data collected during a 3-year period, in a basin in the province of Ancona (Central Italy). Data collected in 1998 (bare soil) were used for calibration; data from 1999 (sunflower) and 2000 (winter wheat) for validation. Average (of all the elements) calibrated values of saturated hydraulic conductivity (FMIN), effective net capillary drive (G), detachability of soil particles (EROD) and soil cohesion (COH) were, respectively, 1.8 mm h-1, 346 mm, 2.4 g J-1 and 10 kPa. The model has been shown to effectively simulate runoff and erosion in the evaluated conditions: the modelling efficiency is positive for the entire examined period and the relative root mean square errors (RRMSEs) computed on the cumulated values of 13 events are lower than 80%, both for runoff and erosion. In fact, although there is some imprecision in the simulation of single events, observed and simulated means of all erosion data are similar (respectively 1.53 and 1.14 t ha-1), so that the model has been proven adequate for scenario simulations and for alternative management comparisons.
L’erosione è uno dei fattori più importanti tra quelli implicati nella degradazione dei suoli; interessa infatti 5-6 milioni di ettari di suolo ogni anno. La conseguente perdita della frazione più fertile del terreno, unitamente all’inquinamento delle acque superficiali, presenta elevati costi ambientali ed economici per la collettività. L’Italia centrale, per le caratteristiche condizioni geomorfologiche e climatiche e per l’attuale uso del suolo, può essere considerata una zona vulnerabile per l’erosione del suolo. Infatti, l’ampia diffusione di terreni con tessitura argillosa e di sistemi colturali basati sull’avvicendamento di colture autunno – vernine (es. frumento duro) con colture primaverili – estive (es. girasole) comporta la presenza di suolo nudo per diversi mesi, aumentando notevolmente il rischio di erosione. Negli ultimi 15 anni sono stati sviluppati modelli di simulazione a base fisica per analizzare i fenomeni legati all’erosione e per confrontare alternative gestionali a bassa vulnerabilità. In questo studio, è stato calibrato e validato il modello di simulazione EUROSEM su dati raccolti, per un periodo di 3 anni, nel sottobacino “Spescia”, a Serra de’ Conti (AN). I dati raccolti nel 1998 (suolo nudo) sono stati utilizzati per la calibrazione, quelli raccolti nel 1999 (girasole) e 2000 (frumento) per la validazione.I valori calibrati (medi per tutti gli elementi) di conducibilità idraulica satura (FMIN), tensione al fronte d’inumidimento (G), erodibilità (EROD) e coesività (COH) sono, rispettivamente, 1.8 mm h-1, 346 mm, 2.4 gJ-1 and 10 kPa. Il modello, nelle condizioni esplorate in questa ricerca, si è dimostrato in grado di simulare adeguatamente il deflusso superficiale e l’erosione: l’efficienza di modellizzazione, calcolata su tutto il periodo, è positiva ed i valori di RRMSE sono, sia per il deflusso che per l’erosione, sempre inferiori all’80%. Infatti, nonostante alcune imprecisioni nella simulazione dei singoli eventi, le medie di tutti i valori di erosione osservati e simulati sono simili (rispettivamente 1.53 e 1.14 t ha-1): il modello ha dimostrato di poter essere utilizzato per la simulazione di scenari e per la valutazione di alternative gestionali.
Evaluation of the Eurosem model for simulating soil erosion in central Italy / Alexandra, R; Confalonieri, R; Roggero, Pier Paolo; Toderi, M; Acutis, M.. - In: RIVISTA ITALIANA DI AGROMETEOROLOGIA. - ISSN 1824-8705. - 2:(2005), pp. 15-23.
Evaluation of the Eurosem model for simulating soil erosion in central Italy
ROGGERO, Pier Paolo;
Erosion is one of the main factors involved in soil degradation, affecting 5-6 million hectares of soil every year. The consequent loss of the most fertile portion of the soil and surface water pollution present high economic and environmental costs for the community. Central Italy, because of its characteristic geomorphology and the current prevailing land use options, can be considered a vulnerable area to soil erosion. In fact, the prevalence of clayey soils and cropping systems based on durum wheat, frequently in rotation with sunflower and other spring-summer crops, implies bare soil for many months and exposes it to considerable erosion risk. In the last 15 years, physically-based models have been developed to analyze processes related to erosion and to compare alternative land management options in order to minimize the vulnerability of agricultural lands. In this study, the simulation model EUROSEM has been calibrated and validated using data collected during a 3-year period, in a basin in the province of Ancona (Central Italy). Data collected in 1998 (bare soil) were used for calibration; data from 1999 (sunflower) and 2000 (winter wheat) for validation. Average (of all the elements) calibrated values of saturated hydraulic conductivity (FMIN), effective net capillary drive (G), detachability of soil particles (EROD) and soil cohesion (COH) were, respectively, 1.8 mm h-1, 346 mm, 2.4 g J-1 and 10 kPa. The model has been shown to effectively simulate runoff and erosion in the evaluated conditions: the modelling efficiency is positive for the entire examined period and the relative root mean square errors (RRMSEs) computed on the cumulated values of 13 events are lower than 80%, both for runoff and erosion. In fact, although there is some imprecision in the simulation of single events, observed and simulated means of all erosion data are similar (respectively 1.53 and 1.14 t ha-1), so that the model has been proven adequate for scenario simulations and for alternative management comparisons.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.