Based on a 25-year research on population dynamics of Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) and natural unripe Citrus fruit resistance against this pest, new pest management strategies adequate to modern citrus growing are here presented. Infestation reduction should be based on adult population control, in order to reduce pesticide residues in the fruit, save the natural equilibrium of the citrus agroecosystem and produce fruit without oviposition holes, thus more suitable for cold storage. Adult insect control should start as soon as the first insects are captured by traps activated with Trimedlure. Either protein bait spray or attract and kill traps made of different materials (wood, cardboard, tissue, etc.) should be used. Bait sprays should be distributed, with a high-volume pump, on the south-west portion of the canopy of the cultivated plants or, even better, of the windbreak. Treatment should be applied to either entire citrus growing areas or small and isolated citrus groves, every 20-30 days and after every high rainfall also. Adult traps should be treated with contact insecticide and baited with food attractants. About 100-150 traps/ha, to be changed every 10 weeks, are recommended. A Kaolin-based product that avoids fruit oviposition has received some attention recently. Larval control methods should be used as a last possibility only when almost mature fruit show the first larvae in feeding activity. The products used to poison the baits and to kill the larvae should be allowed by the disciplinary of the CE 2078/92 Regulation, respecting also the limitations imposed by the most recent legislative decisions. Although the sterile-male technique has been successfully used in various citrus areas, it has not been widely adopted because of many technical, economical and organisational problems related to its application.
Sulla base delle conoscenze acquisite in circa 25 anni d’indagine sulla dinamica di popolazione di C. capitata (Wied.) e sulla naturale resistenza dei frutti non maturi vengono riportate le strategie di difesa fitosanitaria più rispondenti alle esigenze di una agrumicoltura moderna. Il contenimento delle infestazioni deve essere orientato verso il controllo della popolazione adulta al fine di ridurre i residui di fitofarmaci nei frutti, proteggere il delicato equilibrio dell’agroecosistema agrumeto ed evitare la presenza di punture di ovideposizione che possono diventare vie di penetrazione per funghi e/o batteri e rendere il prodotto meno idoneo alla frigoconservazione. Gli interventi di lotta adulticida devono iniziare alle prime catture degli adulti alle trappole attivate con Trimedlure. Possono essere utilizzate esche proteiche avvelenate o trappole adulticide costituite di materiale diverso (legno, cartone, tessuto, ecc.). Le esche avvelenate vanno distribuite con una pompa ad alto volume, sulla porzione di chioma esposta a sud-ovest delle piante coltivate o preferibilmente sui frangivento. L’intervento dovrà essere effettuato su interi comprensori agrumicoli o piccole superfici isolate, ripetuto ogni 20-30 giorni circa e comunque dopo piogge intense. Le trappole adulticide, attivate per attrarre preferibilmente le femmine e trattate con insetticida per abbattere gli adulti al solo contatto, vanno utilizzate in numero di 100-150 per ettaro e sostituite dopo 10 settimane. Un certo interesse sta suscitando l’uso di un prodotto a base di Caolino che ostacola le ovideposizioni nei frutti. Gli interventi larvicidi dovranno essere impiegati solamente come ultima possibilità quando sui frutti, prossimi alla maturazione, sono presenti le prime larve in attività trofica. I prodotti da utilizzare per avvelenare le esche e per gli interventi larvicidi devono essere scelti, preferibilmente, tra quelli previsti nei disciplinari relativi al Regolamento CE 2078/92 tenendo conto delle limitazioni previste dai successivi interventi legislativi. La tecnica del maschio sterile, anche se sperimentata con successo in diverse aree agrumicole, non è ancora entrata in uso comune per via dei vari problemi tecnico-economici e organizzativi che richiede.
Strategie di lotta per il contenimento di Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) in agrumicoltura / Ortu, S; Lentini, Andrea; Cocco, Arturo. - In: INFORMATORE FITOPATOLOGICO. - ISSN 0020-0735. - 55(1):(2005), pp. 28-34.
Strategie di lotta per il contenimento di Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) in agrumicoltura
LENTINI, Andrea;COCCO, Arturo
Based on a 25-year research on population dynamics of Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) and natural unripe Citrus fruit resistance against this pest, new pest management strategies adequate to modern citrus growing are here presented. Infestation reduction should be based on adult population control, in order to reduce pesticide residues in the fruit, save the natural equilibrium of the citrus agroecosystem and produce fruit without oviposition holes, thus more suitable for cold storage. Adult insect control should start as soon as the first insects are captured by traps activated with Trimedlure. Either protein bait spray or attract and kill traps made of different materials (wood, cardboard, tissue, etc.) should be used. Bait sprays should be distributed, with a high-volume pump, on the south-west portion of the canopy of the cultivated plants or, even better, of the windbreak. Treatment should be applied to either entire citrus growing areas or small and isolated citrus groves, every 20-30 days and after every high rainfall also. Adult traps should be treated with contact insecticide and baited with food attractants. About 100-150 traps/ha, to be changed every 10 weeks, are recommended. A Kaolin-based product that avoids fruit oviposition has received some attention recently. Larval control methods should be used as a last possibility only when almost mature fruit show the first larvae in feeding activity. The products used to poison the baits and to kill the larvae should be allowed by the disciplinary of the CE 2078/92 Regulation, respecting also the limitations imposed by the most recent legislative decisions. Although the sterile-male technique has been successfully used in various citrus areas, it has not been widely adopted because of many technical, economical and organisational problems related to its application.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.