PULINA, Manuela
PULINA, Manuela
A banking portfolio risk exposure: a case study
2011-01-01 Pulina, Manuela; Evans, Gn
A Classification and Regression Tree (CART) to Analyse Cruisers’ Expenditure Pattern and Perception in a Port of Call
2010-01-01 Brida, Jg; Pulina, Manuela; Riano, E; ZAPATA AGUIRRE, S.
A comparison of residents’ perceptions in two cruise ports in the Mediterranean
2014-01-01 Brida, Jg; DEL CHIAPPA, Giacomo; Meleddu, Marta; Pulina, Manuela
A discrete choice approach to model credit card fraud
2010-01-01 Pulina, Manuela; Paba, A.
A Further Step into the ELGH and TLGH for Spain and Italy
2006-01-01 Cortes Jimenez, I; Pulina, Manuela
A Literature review on the tourism-led-growth hypothesis
2010-01-01 Pulina, Manuela; Brida, Juan Gabriel
A literature review on tourism and economic growth
2010-01-01 Brida, Jg; Pulina, Manuela
A two-stage DEA approach to analyse the efficiency of the hospitality sector
2018-01-01 Pulina, Manuela; Santoni, Valentina
An analysis on the Italian agricultural firms: effects of public subsidies
2016-01-01 Pulina, Manuela; Santoni, Valentina
An explorative qualitative study of Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking in a Higher Education Community
2023-01-01 Bussu, A; Ashton, Sa; Pulina, M; Mangiarulo, M
An integrated demand and supply conceptual framework: Investigating agritourism services
2018-01-01 Brandano, Mg; Osti, L; Pulina, M
An investigation into the relationship between size and efficiency of the Italian hospitality sector: a window DEA approach
2010-01-01 Pulina, Manuela; Detotto, C; Paba, A.
An urban icon? The case of the Iceman Ötzi
2011-01-01 Brida, J. G.; Meleddu, Marta; Pulina, Manuela
Analysing the factors influencing visitors' satisfaction at a museum: The role of socio-demographic characteristics, motivations and visit experience
2012-01-01 DEL CHIAPPA, Giacomo; Ladu, Maria Gabriela; Meleddu, Marta; Pulina, Manuela
Analyzing the performance of the South Tyrolean hospitality sector: a dynamic approach
2011-01-01 Deidda, M; Brida, Jg; Garrido, N; Pulina, Manuela
Analyzing the performance of the South Tyrolean hospitality sector: a dynamic approach
2015-01-01 Brida, Jg; Deidda, M; Garrido, N; Pulina, Manuela
Aree montane, contesti (s) vantaggiati e competitività. Un caso di studio
2022-01-01 Ferrarese, Moreno; Loner, Enzo; Pulina, Manuela
Assessing complementarity and substitution effects of cultural events in rural communities: insights from a Mediterranean island
2024-01-01 Meleddu, Marta; Pulina, Manuela
Assessing pro-environmental behaviors and implications for integrated conservation in protected areas: A study of visitors and entrepreneurs in the Asinara National Park, Italy
2023-01-01 Meleddu, Marta; Pulina, Manuela; Vannini, Marco; Vecco, Marilena
Assessing substitution and complementary effects amongst crime typologies
2013-01-01 Detotto, Claudio; Pulina, Manuela