Some notes about Sardinia and its Mediterranean relations between V and III millennium BC. This article is inspired by an essay of Jean Guilaine (Guilaine 1996) about the beginnings of megalithism in the Western Mediterranean. The topic was covered with broader viewpoint and the Sardinia of the fifth millennium had its own place in there. Since then, numerous studies have deepened the phenomenon, supported by field researches and stratigraphic investigations. The aim is Sardinia and the chronological range beginning from the second half of the fifth millennium (calibration BC), when the relations with Corsica, Italian peninsula and Southern France were consolidated through exchanges of Monte Arci’ obsidian. Further, the survey explores subsequent periods along the stages of Chalcolithic, when gradual changes happened, caused by the increasing complexity of social, technological innovations, the emergence of metallurgy, leading to a new cultural balances and imbalances. The beginning of the Late Neolithic of island is chosen as the upper chronological limit. Compared to the previous phases, the last period testifies contacts between Sardinia and the Mediterranean world and they are reflected by artefacts and raw materials but also architectural types, funerary rituals, social and religious ideologies. The lower chronological limit corresponds to the late Chalcolithic and the end of Beaker culture experience.
Lo spunto per questo articolo è offerto da uno scritto di Jean Guilaine (Guilaine 1996) sul primo megalitismo nel Mediterraneo occidentale, che presentò la problematica in una prospettiva di ampio respiro, nella quale la Sardegna del V millennio aveva la sua collocazione. Da allora numerosi studi hanno contribuito ad arricchire il quadro del fenomeno, confortati da ricerche sul campo e indagini stratigrafiche. Oggetto della ricerca è la Sardegna, a partire dalla seconda metà del V millennio (cal. BC), quando le sue relazioni con la Corsica, l’Italia continentale e la Francia meridionale si consolidano attraverso le vie dell’ossidiana del Monte Arci; l’indagine si sviluppa nei periodi successivi percorrendo le tappe del Calcolitico, durante il quale lo scenario subisce graduali mutamenti, provocati dal crescere della complessità sociale, dalle innovazioni tecnologiche, dall’introduzione del metallo, che determinano nuovi equilibri e squilibri culturali. Il limite cronologico superiore scelto, l’inizio del Neolitico recente isolano (?), riporta ad un momento in cui rispetto alle fasi precedenti, nel corso delle quali i contatti tra la Sardegna ed il mondo mediterraneo sono testimoniati dalla circolazione di manufatti e materie prime, l’isola condivide in modo palese anche tipi architettonici, rituali funerari, ideologie sociali e religiose. Il limite cronologico inferiore corrisponde invece alla fine del Calcolitico ed all’esaurirsi dell’esperienza campaniforme.
La Sardaigne et ses relations méditerranéennes entre les Vème et IIIème millénaire av.J.C. Quelques observations / Melis, Maria Grazia. - (2009), pp. 509-520.
La Sardaigne et ses relations méditerranéennes entre les Vème et IIIème millénaire av.J.C. Quelques observations
MELIS, Maria Grazia
Some notes about Sardinia and its Mediterranean relations between V and III millennium BC. This article is inspired by an essay of Jean Guilaine (Guilaine 1996) about the beginnings of megalithism in the Western Mediterranean. The topic was covered with broader viewpoint and the Sardinia of the fifth millennium had its own place in there. Since then, numerous studies have deepened the phenomenon, supported by field researches and stratigraphic investigations. The aim is Sardinia and the chronological range beginning from the second half of the fifth millennium (calibration BC), when the relations with Corsica, Italian peninsula and Southern France were consolidated through exchanges of Monte Arci’ obsidian. Further, the survey explores subsequent periods along the stages of Chalcolithic, when gradual changes happened, caused by the increasing complexity of social, technological innovations, the emergence of metallurgy, leading to a new cultural balances and imbalances. The beginning of the Late Neolithic of island is chosen as the upper chronological limit. Compared to the previous phases, the last period testifies contacts between Sardinia and the Mediterranean world and they are reflected by artefacts and raw materials but also architectural types, funerary rituals, social and religious ideologies. The lower chronological limit corresponds to the late Chalcolithic and the end of Beaker culture experience.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.