Livestock raising occurs extensively in Sardinia, with almost 3,500,000 sheep which represent 40% of all Italian ovines, and about 300.000 goats which also are a very important resource. Sheep and goats are raised mainly for milk production and for suckling kids meat, while meat from adult animals is not profitable because of its very low commercial value. The use of adult goats and sheep meat to obtain dry cured ham is a way of valorization and exploiting of the excess of meat production and could meet the requirements of consumers whose religion imposes dietary laws (halal e kosher). The aim of this study was to characterize goat and sheep dry hams obtained by animals slaughtered with the halal method. Samples obtained by four sheep and two goats batches have been analyzed. The animals have been slaughtered alive without stunning by cutting the windpipe and the blood vessels in the front part of the neck. The chemical-physical characteristics (pH, aw) were determined in the following stages: fresh ham, after salting, after drying and at the end of ripening. The rheological and colour parameters, the composition and the microbiological parameters have been determined at the end of ripening. The pH evolution during processing was similar to other cured meat products and at the end of ripening the mean values were >6.3 in both species. The aw values regularly decreased during processing and in ripened ham were <0.885. Among the goat ham rheological properties, hardness showed higher mean values (13386.59±588.81) respect to sheep ham (8523.48±846.10) and to similar pork products. As expected, the total fat content showed an higher percentage in sheep ham respect to goat (16% vs 6%) while the protein content was similar between the two species (34%). Regarding the microbiological profile, the coagulase negative Staphylococci were the prevalent flora, due to their tolerance to low levels of aw and high concentration of NaCl. Coagulase-negative Staphylococci are important microorganisms in meat products and they influence technological properties of the cured meat products like flavour and aroma. Results of our work allowed to characterize goat and sheep hams obtained by animals slaughtered with the halal method, and to compare the data of the two species. Results are similar to those of analogue products obtained by animals slaughtered with the conventional method and therefore seem mainly affected by the characteristics of the meat than by the slaughtering method. The transformation of adult goat and sheep meat in dry cured ham meets the requirements of consumers who follow strict dietary laws for religious reasons, and represent an effective way to valorize and exploit adult meat.
La Sardegna è la regione italiana con la maggiore concentrazione di allevamenti ovini, con un patrimonio poco superiore ai 3.523.615 milioni di capi, in particolare di razza Sarda. Anche l'allevamento caprino, nonostante la consistenza numerica (circa 300.000 capi) e le produzioni siano poco rilevanti rispetto all’ovino, riveste una indiscussa importanza nella zootecnia isolana (Anagrafe Nazionale Zootecnica, IZS Abruzzo e Molise, dati 2010- L’utilizzo di animali adulti, sia delle specie ovina che caprina, per la produzione di carne, rappresenta una quota marginale e economicamente sottovalutata. Ciò è dovuto sia alla tradizione alimentare che predilige carne di soggetti lattanti, sia alla tipologia di allevamento indirizzato verso la produzione di latte, per cui la macellazione degli adulti ha un carattere stagionale e riguarda prevalentemente soggetti poco produttivi o anziani. Lo sfruttamento della carne ovi-caprina è quindi limitato ad alcuni periodi dell'anno ed associato a manifestazioni fieristiche o folkloristiche. Ne consegue un’evidente difficoltà di commercializzazione e una sottoutilizzazione. Queste considerazioni sottolineano la necessità di interventi di valorizzazione e di un più razionale sfruttamento della carne ovi-caprina proveniente dai soggetti maturi. La produzione di prodotti a base di carne di pecora e di capra, ed in particolare la trasformazione in prosciutti, può quindi rappresentare un valido strumento di sfruttamento alternativo e di integrazione del reddito proveniente dall’allevamento ovino e caprino senza aumento dei costi di gestione. A questo proposito esistono sia in Sardegna che in altre parti d’Italia, esperienze positive di valorizzazione delle carni ovine e caprine attraverso la produzione di prosciutti di pecora (Mazzette et al., 2004 e 2005a), prosciutti di capra (Mazzette et al., 2012a Melillo et al., 2011) e prodotti simili quali il violino di capra (Paleari et al., 2008). Inoltre, in questo contesto, la trasformazione della carne ovi-caprina in prosciutti potrebbe soddisfare le esigenze di quei consumatori le cui abitudini alimentari sono condizionate da norme religiose (arabi, ebrei). Attualmente sono circa 2 miliardi i musulmani distribuiti nel mondo, con un trend in continuo aumento soprattutto nelle grandi città degli Stati Uniti, ma anche in Europa si stimano circa 10 milioni di consumatori di religione islamica (Bonne et al., 2008). La legge islamica prescrive una serie di regole alimentari che indicano quali alimenti sono halal (permessi) e quali haram (vietati). Alcune di queste riguardano le pratiche di macellazione, per le quali è previsto che gli animali destinati al macello non abbiano subito maltrattamenti e che siano vivi al momento della macellazione. La morte deve essere causata dal dissanguamento, per cui lo stordimento non è contemplato dai precetti dell’Islam (Hussaini et al., 1993). L’obiettivo del lavoro è stata la caratterizzazione di prosciutti di pecora e di capra ottenuti da soggetti macellati con il rito halal, attraverso la descrizione dei parametri di processo e la definizione del profilo chimico-fisico, reologico, di composizione e microbiologico.
Tecnologia e caratterizzazione di salumi ottenuti da carni di pecora e capra certificati halal Technology, quality traits and microbial profile of halal sheep and goat ripened hams / Piras, Francesca; Rita, Melillo; Casti, Daniele; Roberta, Mazza; Simonetta Gianna, Consolati; Gianluca, Busia; Rina, Mazzette. - (2013). (Intervento presentato al convegno Convegno "ricerca in vetrina 2013" Originalità e impatto sul territorio regionale della ricerca scientifica di dottorandi e dottori di ricerca tenutosi a Sassari - Porto Torres, nel 23 -2 4 Settembre 2013).
Tecnologia e caratterizzazione di salumi ottenuti da carni di pecora e capra certificati halal Technology, quality traits and microbial profile of halal sheep and goat ripened hams
CASTI, Daniele;
Livestock raising occurs extensively in Sardinia, with almost 3,500,000 sheep which represent 40% of all Italian ovines, and about 300.000 goats which also are a very important resource. Sheep and goats are raised mainly for milk production and for suckling kids meat, while meat from adult animals is not profitable because of its very low commercial value. The use of adult goats and sheep meat to obtain dry cured ham is a way of valorization and exploiting of the excess of meat production and could meet the requirements of consumers whose religion imposes dietary laws (halal e kosher). The aim of this study was to characterize goat and sheep dry hams obtained by animals slaughtered with the halal method. Samples obtained by four sheep and two goats batches have been analyzed. The animals have been slaughtered alive without stunning by cutting the windpipe and the blood vessels in the front part of the neck. The chemical-physical characteristics (pH, aw) were determined in the following stages: fresh ham, after salting, after drying and at the end of ripening. The rheological and colour parameters, the composition and the microbiological parameters have been determined at the end of ripening. The pH evolution during processing was similar to other cured meat products and at the end of ripening the mean values were >6.3 in both species. The aw values regularly decreased during processing and in ripened ham were <0.885. Among the goat ham rheological properties, hardness showed higher mean values (13386.59±588.81) respect to sheep ham (8523.48±846.10) and to similar pork products. As expected, the total fat content showed an higher percentage in sheep ham respect to goat (16% vs 6%) while the protein content was similar between the two species (34%). Regarding the microbiological profile, the coagulase negative Staphylococci were the prevalent flora, due to their tolerance to low levels of aw and high concentration of NaCl. Coagulase-negative Staphylococci are important microorganisms in meat products and they influence technological properties of the cured meat products like flavour and aroma. Results of our work allowed to characterize goat and sheep hams obtained by animals slaughtered with the halal method, and to compare the data of the two species. Results are similar to those of analogue products obtained by animals slaughtered with the conventional method and therefore seem mainly affected by the characteristics of the meat than by the slaughtering method. The transformation of adult goat and sheep meat in dry cured ham meets the requirements of consumers who follow strict dietary laws for religious reasons, and represent an effective way to valorize and exploit adult meat.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.