VACCA, Alessia
VACCA, Alessia
Risultati 1 - 16 di 16 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.011 secondi).
A comparative approach between the Council of Europe Treaties and the European Union framework in the legal protection of minority languages
2010-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Australia and Catalonia. A comparative study on the protection of minority languages from a legal standpoint: education in the mother tongue. Is the language a factor of integration or a barrier?
2011-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Court of Auditors, an Italian perspective: Performance Auditing to improve efficiency in the Public Administration
2012-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Court of Auditors’ Performance Auditing as a tool to enhance economy, efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in the public administration: strengths and weaknesses
2014-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Energy Sector in Italy and Brazil: struggling to achieve transparency, efficiency and competition, white-green economy and climate change
2014-01-01 Vacca, Alessia; Lochagin, G.
Evolution of the EU Law with respect to public access to documents and transparency. The Treaty of Lisbon
2011-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Evolution of the EU Law with respect to public access to documents and transparency. The Treaty of Lisbon
2012-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Italian Constitution, Constitutional Court Judgments and Distributions of Competences on Minority Languages
2016-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Protection of Minority Languages in the Public Administration of Northern Ireland:Irish and Ulster-Scots Linguistic Legislation, which and when?
2014-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Protection of Minority Languages in the UK Public Administration: a comparative study of Wales and Scotland
2013-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Methane: A Mediterranean Perspective
2016-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
The balance of power
2010-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
The Council of Europe and the European Union Frameworks in the legal protection of minority languages: Unity or diversity
2011-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Transparency and Privacy: Issues in Environmental Matters
2015-01-01 Vacca, Alessia; Onishi, H.
Transparency in the Energy Law Sector, Learning from the EU and the US
2013-01-01 Vacca, Alessia
Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, use of Welsh in the Public Administration: a step forward
2013-01-01 Vacca, Alessia