MERELLA, Paolo  

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Alimentazione su tremaglio nel tursiope (Tursiops truncatus): una strategia alimentare rischiosa? = Trammel feeding in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): a risky feeding strategy? 1-gen-2011 Appino, Simonetta; Berlinguer, Fiammetta; Farigu, Serafina; Nègre, Nicolas; Merella, Paolo; Pira, Angela; Naitana, Salvatore; Rotta, Andrea; Floris, Antonello
Combining morphology and genetics to resolve the status of a monogenean from the taxonomic "waste-basket" Haliotrema Johnston & Tiegs (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) 1-gen-2018 Dmitrieva, E. V.; Sanna, D.; Piras, M. C.; Garippa, G.; Merella, P.
Determination of praziquantel in sparus aurata L. After administration of medicated animal feed 1-gen-2020 Baralla, E.; Varoni, M. V.; Nieddu, M.; Demontis, M. P.; Merella, P.; Burreddu, C.; Garippa, G.; Boatto, G.
Ecological and histopathological aspects of Didymodiclinus sp. (Trematoda: Didymozoidae) parasite of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus (Osteichthyes: Serranidae), from the western Mediterranean Sea 1-gen-2018 Polinas, M.; Mele, S.; Padros, F.; Merella, P.; Antuofermo, E.; Gouraguine, A.; Renones, O.
From development to taxonomy: the case of Sciaenacotyle pancerii (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) in the Mediterranean meagre 1-gen-2022 Villar-Torres, Mar; Montero, Francisco Esteban; Merella, Paolo; Garippa, Giovanni; Cherchi, Santino; Raga, Juan Antonio; Repullés-Albelda, Aigües
Genetic characterization of Fasciola hepatica from Tunisia and Algeria based on mitochondrialand nuclear DNA sequences 1-gen-2009 Farjallah, S; Sanna, Daria; N, Amor; Mehel, B. BEN; Piras, Maria Cristina; Merella, Paolo; Casu, Marco; CURINI GALLETTI, Marco; K, Said; Garippa, Giovanni
Genetic variation of Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) from the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Teleostei: Sparidae) in the Mediterranean Sea 1-gen-2022 Farjallah, Sarra; Amor, Nabil; Garippa, Giovanni; Montero, Francisco E; Víllora-Montero, María; Mohamed, Osama Badri; Merella, Paolo
Heterophyid metacercariae (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) in grey mullets (Osteichthyes: Mugilidae) from the Cabras and Mistras lagoons (Sardinia, western Mediterranean) 1-gen-2004 Merella, P; Marino, G; Garippa, Giovanni
In-feed trials of fenbendazole and other chemical/natural compounds against Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Monogenea) infections in Sparus aurata (Osteichthyes) 1-gen-2021 Merella, P.; Montero, F. E.; Burreddu, C.; Garippa, G.
Investigation into Cryptosporidium and Giardia in bivalve mollusks farmed in Sardinia region and destined for human consumption 1-gen-2013 Tedde, T.; Piras, G.; Salza, S.; Nives, R. M.; Sanna, G.; Tola, S.; Culurgioni, Jacopo; Piras, C.; Merella, P.; Garippa, G.; Virgilio, S.
Lessepsian fish migration: genetic bottlenecks and parasitological evidence 1-gen-2010 Merella, P; Casu, M; Garippa, G; Pais, A
Mapping a brain parasite: Occurrence and spatial distribution in fish encephalon 1-gen-2023 Born-Torrijos, Ana; van Beest, Gabrielle S.; Merella, Paolo; Garippa, Giovanni; Raga, Juan Antonio; Francisco E, Montero
Metazoan parasites of grey mullets (Teleostea: Mugilidae) from the Mistras Lagoon (Sardinia - western Mediterranean) 1-gen-2001 Garippa, Giovanni; Merella, Paolo
Monogenean diversity of western Mediterranean mackerels, bonitos and tunas (Scombridae) 1-gen-2016 Rodríguez-Llanos, J; Alcocer-Yagüe, M; Morán, J T.; Burreddu, Caterina; Piras, Mc; Saber, S; Palacios-Abella, Jf; Víllora-Montero, M; Macías, D; Garippa, G; Merella, P; Pérez-del-Olmo, A; Montero, F E.; Mele, S
Morphological and genetic variability of the cryptic Gyrodactylus sphinx and Gyrodactylus gerasevi n. sp. (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea: two new members of the cross-ocean distributed Gyrodactylus orecchiae species group 1-gen-2022 Dmitrieva, E.; Sanna, D.; Vodiasova, E.; Prokhorova, D.; Casu, M.; Burreddu, C.; Piras, M. C.; Garippa, G.; Merella, P.
Morphological and molecular study of Didymodiclinus marginati n. sp. (Trematoda: Didymozoidae) gill parasite of Epinephelus marginatus from the central and western Mediterranean Sea 1-gen-2022 Mele, Salvatore; De Benedetto, Giovanni; Giannetto, Alessia; Riolo, Kristian; Oliva, Sabrina; Reñones, Olga; Garippa, Giovanni; Merella, Paolo; Gaglio, Gabriella
New data on Gaidropsarus granti (Regan, 1903) (Gadiformes: Lotidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with emphasis on its parasites 1-gen-2008 Pais, Antonio; Garippa, Giovanni; Merella, Paolo; Golani, Daniel; Follesa, Maria Cristina
New insights into the coexistence of Contracaecum rudolphii A and Contracaecum rudolphii B (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis from Sardinia: genetic variability and phylogenetic analysis 1-gen-2020 Amor, Nabil; Farjallah, Sarra; Piras, Maria Cristina; Burreddu, Caterina; Garippa, Giovanni; Merella, Paolo
New Insights Into the Genetic Variability of Fasciola Hepatica (Trematoda) in Algeria and Relationships with Other Geographic Regions Revealed By Mitochondrial DNA 1-gen-2022 Chaouadi, M; Scarpa, F; Azzena, I; Cossu, P; Harhoura, K; Aissi, M; Tazerouti, F; Garippa, G; Merella, P; Casu, M; Sanna, D
North-easternmost record of Halosaurus ovenii (Actinopterygii: Notacanthiformes: Halosauridae) in the Mediterranean Sea, with notes on its biology 1-gen-2009 Pais, Antonio; Merella, Paolo; Follesa, Maria Cristina; Motomura, Hiroyuki