In the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC), hydrographic basins are the management units, implicitly assuming that water body pollution is due to sources within the catchments. However some pollutants may reach a river basin from distant sources, by long-range atmospheric transport. Besides many micropollutants, nitrogen is the most relevant pollutant that can reach a water body in relevant quantity by atmospheric transport. In this deliverable we (1) discuss the importance of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, (2) estimate the nitrogen quantity that reaches through atmospheric deposition one specific lake in one of the InHabit study regions, namely Lake Maggiore in Piedmont, and compare the results with published data on other lakes in Sardinia, (3) provide long-term data on nitrogen concentration in both atmospheric deposition and water bodies in both InHabit study regions (Sardinia and Piedmont), to be used in a further deliverable to test the statistical significance of temporal changes and to model catchment responses. In the first part, the topic is discussed in a general way and an overview is given to the distribution of nitrogen deposition in Italy using data collected by another EU-funded projects, namely the LIFE project "FutMon" (Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System). In part 2, nitrogen inputs from human population and atmosphere are calculated for Lake Maggiore in 2007. Lake Maggiore is not an InHabit lake, but is very close (less than 1 km) to the InHabit Mergozzo Lake. The evaluation on the complete N budget of InHabit lakes is not possible within this project because monitoring data covering the inflow streams are not collected within the project, and because the hydrology of some lakes, like Lake Sirio, is strongly influenced by submersed inflows. However, as regards the two nitrogen sources, the general pattern described for Lake Maggiore can be extended to other lakes, to explore the relative importance of nitrogen atmospheric input in one of the study areas, the Piedmont region. LIFE 08 ENV/IT/000314 ‐ INHABIT Deliverable I2d5 3 For what concern Sardinia, nitrogen budget was calculated in the 1990's for some man-made lakes, and the results were published. We selected in particular lakes Medio Flumendosa and Mulargia, two reservoirs in central Sardinia, the catchments of which are interested by human activities at different degree. The results show that, in spite of the population living in the catchment, the atmospheric deposition corresponds to the triple of the nitrogen input from population that reaches the Lake Maggiore in 2007. Lake Maggiore catchment is located in the area most affected by the deposition of nitrogen. An attempt was also done to compare nitrogen deposition on lake catchments in Sardinia with the amount of nitrogen reaching the lakes through their inlets. The results are very preliminary, but the amounts were comparable. The results obtained on these lakes cannot be directly transferred to the InHabit lakes, even if they were obtained on lakes very close to the InHabit sites. These results are simply used to underline the relative importance of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds versus local and/or specific sources. The third part of this deliverable include a collection of nitrogen data series to be used for subsequent elaboration. Long-term data were collected for 2 lakes, 18 streams rivers and 7 deposition sampling stations in Piedmont, where nitrogen deposition is more relevant. In this dataset we only collected nitrogen concentrations from streams and river data relatively close to the InHabit study lakes, i.e. in the Orco/Chiusella and Ticino river basins, the formers being close to lakes Serrù, Candia and Viverone, and the latter including lakes Morasco and Mergozzo. Streams were also selected in order to have minimal human disturbance: only small villages and mainly forested watershed, with extensive agriculture. In Sardinia, where nitrogen deposition is markedly lower, 3 lakes and 2 deposition sampling stations were considered. No stream nitrogen data series was collected in Sardinia. This is mainly to due the low number of long-term data series available, and the different nature of river catchments LIFE 08 ENV/IT/000314 ‐ INHABIT Deliverable I2d5 4 in Sardinia. In effect in Sardinia almost completely forested watershed are rare, and the streams draining them were not systematically analyzed for long periods, as priority was given to more polluted rivers and streams. However, notwithstanding the different number of sites available in the two regions, the collected data are sufficient for trend analysis and for comparing the two study regions.
Nella Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque (Direttiva 2000/60/EC), le unità di gestione dei corpi idrici sono i bacini idrografici, e questa scelta assume implicitamente che gli inquinanti che raggiungono i corpi idrici siano prodotti nei loro bacini imbriferi. Tuttavia esistono anche inquinanti che possono raggiungere un bacino fluviale attraverso le deposizioni, dopo essere stati emessi nell’atmosfera a distanze anche considerevoli. Questo avviene per diversi microinquinanti di sintesi, ma anche per l’azoto, che può raggiungere i bacini fluviali in quantità rilevanti (anche dell’ordine delle migliaia di tonnellate annue) attraverso le deposizioni atmosferiche. Questo deliverable si compone di tre parti: 1) una parte introduttiva sull’importanza dell’azoto nelle deposizioni, in particolare nell’Italia settentrionale e in Sardegna; 2) una stima della quantità di azoto che può raggiungere, attraverso le deposizioni atmosferiche, un corpo idrico situato in una delle regioni di studio del progetto InHabit. La scelta è caduta sul Lago Maggiore, in Piemonte, che non è un lago inserito nel progetto InHabit, ma si trova in prossimità del Lago di Mergozzo incluso nel progetto. La scelta di questo lago è stata dettata dall’ampia disponibilità di dati di monitoraggio per un periodo abbastanza lungo da permettere una stima della variazione temporale. Uno studio simile non è possibile per i laghi InHabit, perché il campionamento previsto dal progetto non comprende gli immissari; inoltre alcuni laghi (come il Sirio) hanno immissari subacquei di importanza relativa notevole. Tuttavia, i risultati emersi per il Lago Maggiore sono stati brevemente discussi anche per i laghi del progetto InHabit al termine della parte 2. Per quanto riguarda la Sardegna, sono stati rielaborati i risultati dei bilanci di bacino calcolati negli anni 1990 per due laghi artificiali della Sardegna centrale, il Lago Mulargia ed il Lago Medio Flumendosa, caratterizzati da un impatto antropico decisamente differente nei due rispettivi bacini imbriferi; 3) una raccolta di serie temporali delle concentrazioni dei composti azotati nelle deposizioni atmosferiche e nei corpi idrici di entrambe le regioni di studio del progetto InHabit (Piemonte e Sardegna), da usarsi in un successivo deliverable per verificare l’esistenza di variazioni temporali significative e per modellizzare il comportamento dell’azoto nei bacini imbriferi, se possibile. Sono stati ricercati dati che coprissero serie temporali abbastanza lunghe da permettere una successiva analisi dei trend con metodi statistici affidabili. I risultati della seconda parte hanno mostrato che l’azoto atmosferico che raggiunge il Lago Maggiore è maggiore di quello derivante dalla popolazione nel 2007. Per quanto riguarda la Sardegna, sono stati rielaborati i bilanci di bacino calcolati negli anni 1991-92 per i laghi Mulargia e Medio Flumendosa. In entrambi i casi, la quantità di azoto che raggiunge il bacino imbrifero attraverso le deposizioni atmosferiche è superiore a quello che arriva ai laghi, nonostante i rilasci dovuti alle attività agricole e agli insediamenti umani. Il bacino imbrifero trattiene dunque una notevole quantità d’azoto. È verosimile che una parte notevole dell’azoto di origine atmosferica venga trattenuto dai suoli o intrappolato nelle culture, con le quali lascia poi il bacino stesso, o in alcuni casi demineralizzato, sfuggendo così nell’atmosfera. Nella terza parte sono state raccolte serie temporali delle concentrazioni di diversi composti dell’azoto in 2 laghi, 18 corsi d’acqua e 7 stazioni di campionamento delle deposizioni atmosferiche in Piemonte. Per quanto riguarda i corsi d’acqua, questi sono stati scelti sulla base di due criteri: il più importante è il minimo impatto antropico. I bacini imbriferi dei torrenti scelti sono quasi completamente boscati, anche se nel bacino possono esservi piccoli insediamenti abitati e una limitata estensione di aree agricole. Inoltre i bacini considerati sono vicini ai siti InHabit, trovandosi nei bacini fluviali dell’Orco e del Chiusella (in prossimità dei laghi Serrù, Candia e Viverone) o del Ticino (dove si trovano i laghi di Morasco e di Mergozzo). Per la Sardegna, dove le deposizioni di azoto sono meno elevate, sono stati raccolti i dati di 3 laghi e di due stazione di campionamento delle deposizioni atmosferiche. In questa regione non sono stati trovati dati adatti per i corsi d’acqua. Infatti in Sardegna i bacini completamente o prevalentemente boscati sono rari e i corsi d’acqua che li drenano non sono stati analizzati regolarmente per lunghi periodi, in quanto la priorità del monitoraggio ambientale è stata ovviamente data ai corsi d’acqua maggiormente compromessi, dove il carico di azoto di origine antropica è più importante. Tuttavia, pur tenendo conto della differente mole di dati raccolta per le due Regioni, si ritiene che i dati raccolti siano sufficienti per un’analisi delle serie temporali e un confronto tra le due Regioni, che verrà effettuato in un successivo deliverable.
Banca dati di serie storiche relative alle concentrazioni di azoto nelle deposizioni atmosferiche, nei laghi e nei corsi d'acqua / Marchetto, A; Arisci, S; Rogora, M; Lugliè, Antonella Gesuina Laura; Padedda, Bachisio Mario; Sechi, Nicola; Sesia, E; Ferrero, T.. - (2011), p. 178.
Banca dati di serie storiche relative alle concentrazioni di azoto nelle deposizioni atmosferiche, nei laghi e nei corsi d'acqua
LUGLIÈ, Antonella Gesuina Laura;PADEDDA, Bachisio Mario;SECHI, Nicola;
In the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC), hydrographic basins are the management units, implicitly assuming that water body pollution is due to sources within the catchments. However some pollutants may reach a river basin from distant sources, by long-range atmospheric transport. Besides many micropollutants, nitrogen is the most relevant pollutant that can reach a water body in relevant quantity by atmospheric transport. In this deliverable we (1) discuss the importance of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, (2) estimate the nitrogen quantity that reaches through atmospheric deposition one specific lake in one of the InHabit study regions, namely Lake Maggiore in Piedmont, and compare the results with published data on other lakes in Sardinia, (3) provide long-term data on nitrogen concentration in both atmospheric deposition and water bodies in both InHabit study regions (Sardinia and Piedmont), to be used in a further deliverable to test the statistical significance of temporal changes and to model catchment responses. In the first part, the topic is discussed in a general way and an overview is given to the distribution of nitrogen deposition in Italy using data collected by another EU-funded projects, namely the LIFE project "FutMon" (Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System). In part 2, nitrogen inputs from human population and atmosphere are calculated for Lake Maggiore in 2007. Lake Maggiore is not an InHabit lake, but is very close (less than 1 km) to the InHabit Mergozzo Lake. The evaluation on the complete N budget of InHabit lakes is not possible within this project because monitoring data covering the inflow streams are not collected within the project, and because the hydrology of some lakes, like Lake Sirio, is strongly influenced by submersed inflows. However, as regards the two nitrogen sources, the general pattern described for Lake Maggiore can be extended to other lakes, to explore the relative importance of nitrogen atmospheric input in one of the study areas, the Piedmont region. LIFE 08 ENV/IT/000314 ‐ INHABIT Deliverable I2d5 3 For what concern Sardinia, nitrogen budget was calculated in the 1990's for some man-made lakes, and the results were published. We selected in particular lakes Medio Flumendosa and Mulargia, two reservoirs in central Sardinia, the catchments of which are interested by human activities at different degree. The results show that, in spite of the population living in the catchment, the atmospheric deposition corresponds to the triple of the nitrogen input from population that reaches the Lake Maggiore in 2007. Lake Maggiore catchment is located in the area most affected by the deposition of nitrogen. An attempt was also done to compare nitrogen deposition on lake catchments in Sardinia with the amount of nitrogen reaching the lakes through their inlets. The results are very preliminary, but the amounts were comparable. The results obtained on these lakes cannot be directly transferred to the InHabit lakes, even if they were obtained on lakes very close to the InHabit sites. These results are simply used to underline the relative importance of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds versus local and/or specific sources. The third part of this deliverable include a collection of nitrogen data series to be used for subsequent elaboration. Long-term data were collected for 2 lakes, 18 streams rivers and 7 deposition sampling stations in Piedmont, where nitrogen deposition is more relevant. In this dataset we only collected nitrogen concentrations from streams and river data relatively close to the InHabit study lakes, i.e. in the Orco/Chiusella and Ticino river basins, the formers being close to lakes Serrù, Candia and Viverone, and the latter including lakes Morasco and Mergozzo. Streams were also selected in order to have minimal human disturbance: only small villages and mainly forested watershed, with extensive agriculture. In Sardinia, where nitrogen deposition is markedly lower, 3 lakes and 2 deposition sampling stations were considered. No stream nitrogen data series was collected in Sardinia. This is mainly to due the low number of long-term data series available, and the different nature of river catchments LIFE 08 ENV/IT/000314 ‐ INHABIT Deliverable I2d5 4 in Sardinia. In effect in Sardinia almost completely forested watershed are rare, and the streams draining them were not systematically analyzed for long periods, as priority was given to more polluted rivers and streams. However, notwithstanding the different number of sites available in the two regions, the collected data are sufficient for trend analysis and for comparing the two study regions.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.