The Liar's Paradox: the ambiguous aftermath of Dictys and Dares. Once ancient Greek had become a dead language, the memory of the events in the history of Troy - endowed from the Middle Ages onwards with key dynastic significance - was kept alive and nourished in Western Europe thanks to two Latin texts, translations of two supposed chronicles from the frontline of the Trojan War. Whatever their authors' motives might have been, the venture was enormously successful, bestowing upon the two so-called witnesses - Dictys of Crete and Dares the Phrygian - the authority of historians, an authority that placed them on a higher plane than the poet (and thus confabulator) Homer. Even Humanism was unable to unravel completely the imposture surrounding Dictys and Dares, which found itself from that moment on validated by an abundant and secular flowering of artistic and literary works. The analysis of the changing status of both texts, which fluctuated between fiction and history, in the ayes of their illustrious readers raises a number of interesting questions regarding the degree of historical consciousness during the Renaissance period.
Quando il greco divenne lettera morta, l'Occidente conservò e alimentò la memoria dei fatti di Troia - investiti dal Medioevo in poi di essenziali valenze dinastiche grazie a due testi latini, traduzione di due presunte cronache dal fronte di guerra troiano. Quali che fossero le motivazioni degli autori, l'operazione sortì un enorme successo, conferendo ai due sedicenti testimoni - Ditti Cretese e Darete Frigio - un'autorevolezza di storici che li poneva su un piano di superiorità rispetto al poeta (e quindi mendace) Omero. Neppure l'Umanesimo riuscì a smantellare completamente l'impostura di Ditti e Darete, ormai avvalorata da una secolare e ricchissima fioritura artistica e letteraria. Lo studio delle oscillazioni di statuto di questi testi tra fiction e storia nella coscienza di illustri lettori solleva interessanti interrogativi sul grado di consapevolezza storica dell'età della Rinascenza.
Il paradosso del mentitore: ambigue fortune di Ditti e Darete / Prosperi, Valentina. - (2011), pp. 41-56.
Il paradosso del mentitore: ambigue fortune di Ditti e Darete
PROSPERI, Valentina
The Liar's Paradox: the ambiguous aftermath of Dictys and Dares. Once ancient Greek had become a dead language, the memory of the events in the history of Troy - endowed from the Middle Ages onwards with key dynastic significance - was kept alive and nourished in Western Europe thanks to two Latin texts, translations of two supposed chronicles from the frontline of the Trojan War. Whatever their authors' motives might have been, the venture was enormously successful, bestowing upon the two so-called witnesses - Dictys of Crete and Dares the Phrygian - the authority of historians, an authority that placed them on a higher plane than the poet (and thus confabulator) Homer. Even Humanism was unable to unravel completely the imposture surrounding Dictys and Dares, which found itself from that moment on validated by an abundant and secular flowering of artistic and literary works. The analysis of the changing status of both texts, which fluctuated between fiction and history, in the ayes of their illustrious readers raises a number of interesting questions regarding the degree of historical consciousness during the Renaissance period.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.