The main goals of this study were to investigate grapevine physiological responses to different light regimes, as well as to evaluate the effects of thermal conditions on berry composition of two red grape varieties, Cannonau and Bovale. To achieve this goal, an experiment was conducted during 2009-2010, in three randomised blocks of a varietal collection of the University of Sassari, Oristano. Field grown Cannonau and Bovale grapevines were covered with plastic films of different transmittance (Visible, Visible + UV-A and uncovered Control) from fruit-set until harvest. Plants physiological status was evaluated by monitoring leaf gas exchanges and stem water potential. PAR intensity, UV-A and UV-B interception throughout the canopy and within the fruit zone were monitored. Canopy and berry skin temperature were continuously recorded from veraison until harvest, in grapes with different locations in the canopy. Berry exposure time to different temperature ranges (<10°C, 10°-35°C, >35°C) was determined. In addition, the effects of the imposed light regimes on the different anthocyanins types accumulation pattern and on the anthocyanin profile at harvest were evaluated. Main results showed that the conditioning films have in fact affected light microclimate, with a significant reduction in PAR and UV interception in the UV-screening treatments. Significant differences were found on the exposure time to elevated temperatures between the two years of study. The treatments did not induce significant differences in plants physiological status, nor on canopy structure and density parameters, fruits TSS, pH and titratable acidity contents. Conversely, statistical analysis of the average anthocyanin and polyphenolic fractions evidenced both varietal and treatment differences. A significant higher total anthocyanin content was found in Cannonau Control grapes in 2009 and in 2010 in Bovale ones. The intensity of grapes response to UV radiation varied considerably between the two years of trial. The effects of UV radiation on berry anthocyanin compounds was marked at mid ripening in Cannonau 2009 and in the second year of trail in Bovale, with a higher proportion of coumaroyl forms in the Vis + UV-A and Control treatments; during the last ripening stages these differences were substantially reduced.
Gli obiettivi di questo studio sono stati quelli di analizzare le risposte fisiologiche della vite a differenti regimi luminosi e di valutare gli effetti delle condizioni termiche e luminose sulla composizione dell’uva in due varietà a bacca rossa, Cannonau e Bovale sardo. Nel biennio 2009-10 è stata condotta una prova di campo, blocchi randomizzati, nella collezione varietale dell’Università di Sassari, ubicata ad Oristano, nella quale le piante sono state coperte con film plastici di diversa trasmittanza (Visibile, Visibile + UV-A, Controllo non coperto). Lo stato fisiologico delle piante è stato valutato attraverso la misura degli scambi gassosi fogliari e del potenziale idrico del germogli. L’intensità della PAR e della radiazione UV-A e UV-B intercettate dalla chioma e dalla zona fruttifera sono state monitorate periodicamente, mentre le temperature della chioma e degli acini sono state monitorate in continuo, dall’invaiatura alla raccolta. In particolare sono stati quantificati i tempi di esposizione degli acini a differenti ranges di temperatura (< 10°C, 10°–35°C e > 35°C) e valutati gli effetti dei regimi luminosi imposti sulla dinamica di accumulo dei diversi tipi di antociani e nel profilo antocianico alla vendemmia. I principali risultati hanno evidenziato come la copertura abbia realmente influenzato il regime luminoso, con una riduzione significativa della PAR e dell’UV intercettate nei trattamenti UV-schermanti rispetto al Controllo. Differenze significative sono state riscontrate fra le due annate di studio sui tempi di esposizione ad elevate temperature. I trattamenti non hanno indotto differenze significative sullo stato fisiologico, né sui parametri di struttura e densità della chioma, sui tenori di solidi solubili, sul pH e sull’acidità totale dei frutti. Al contrario, l’analisi statistica ha evidenziato alcune differenze indotte dai trattamenti nel frazione antocianica e polifenolica, con un tenore significativamente più elevato di antociani totali nelle piante del controllo scoperto rilevato nel 2009 nel Cannonau e nel 2010 nel Bovale. L’intensità della risposta delle viti alla radiazione UV è variato in modo considerevole fra le due annate. L’effetto della radiazione UV sulla composizione antocianica della bacca è risultato marcato a metà maturazione, nel Cannonau nel 2009 e nel Bovale nel secondo anno di prova, con una proporzione di forme cumarate statisticamente più elevata nel Visibile + UV-A e nel Controllo; durante l’ultima fase della maturazione tali differenze si sono però sensibilmente ridotte.
Valutazione degli effetti della radiazione uv e del regime termico della bacca sulla composizione del mosto e sul profilo antocianico dei vitigni Cannonau e Bovale / Usai, G; Tedde, N; Betza, M; Nieddu, Giovanni; PARREIRA CORTEZ FERNANDES DE OLIVEIRA, Ana Sofia; Mercenaro, Luca. - In: QUADERNI DI SCIENZE VITICOLE ED ENOLOGICHE.... - ISSN 1970-6545. - (2013), pp. 313-318. (Intervento presentato al convegno IV Congresso nazionale di Viticoltura Conavi tenutosi a Asti nel 10-12 luglio 2012).
Valutazione degli effetti della radiazione uv e del regime termico della bacca sulla composizione del mosto e sul profilo antocianico dei vitigni Cannonau e Bovale
The main goals of this study were to investigate grapevine physiological responses to different light regimes, as well as to evaluate the effects of thermal conditions on berry composition of two red grape varieties, Cannonau and Bovale. To achieve this goal, an experiment was conducted during 2009-2010, in three randomised blocks of a varietal collection of the University of Sassari, Oristano. Field grown Cannonau and Bovale grapevines were covered with plastic films of different transmittance (Visible, Visible + UV-A and uncovered Control) from fruit-set until harvest. Plants physiological status was evaluated by monitoring leaf gas exchanges and stem water potential. PAR intensity, UV-A and UV-B interception throughout the canopy and within the fruit zone were monitored. Canopy and berry skin temperature were continuously recorded from veraison until harvest, in grapes with different locations in the canopy. Berry exposure time to different temperature ranges (<10°C, 10°-35°C, >35°C) was determined. In addition, the effects of the imposed light regimes on the different anthocyanins types accumulation pattern and on the anthocyanin profile at harvest were evaluated. Main results showed that the conditioning films have in fact affected light microclimate, with a significant reduction in PAR and UV interception in the UV-screening treatments. Significant differences were found on the exposure time to elevated temperatures between the two years of study. The treatments did not induce significant differences in plants physiological status, nor on canopy structure and density parameters, fruits TSS, pH and titratable acidity contents. Conversely, statistical analysis of the average anthocyanin and polyphenolic fractions evidenced both varietal and treatment differences. A significant higher total anthocyanin content was found in Cannonau Control grapes in 2009 and in 2010 in Bovale ones. The intensity of grapes response to UV radiation varied considerably between the two years of trial. The effects of UV radiation on berry anthocyanin compounds was marked at mid ripening in Cannonau 2009 and in the second year of trail in Bovale, with a higher proportion of coumaroyl forms in the Vis + UV-A and Control treatments; during the last ripening stages these differences were substantially reduced.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.