EVOLUTION AND MANAGMENT OF ANTHROPIZATED LANDSCAPES The differences, which exist between the various geographic areas and the phenomena that have contributed to increasing these differences, determine specific economic realities, as can be seen in the prevalently pastoral economy of central-eastern Sardinia. It is known that exploitation of the potential of an area requires penetration among the various economic sectors. The economic realities studied present growing productive zones which are in contrast with marginal areas that are often poorly linked and integrated with the other parts of the island territory, where there is a relative sense of well-being. The areas of growth include those zones where tourism has recently been developed. Tourism and the tertiary activities linked to it have shown, above all in the 1990s, greater rates of expansion compared to less dynamic traditional sectors and the agricultural sector which has been generally in decline. Nevertheless, the resident population has grown very slowly due to a natural increase offset by a negative migratory balance; there are also municipalities characterized by a decrease in population and low demographic density. These towns are located in the interior where there are few industries and a prevalence of largely traditional agricultural and sylvicultural activities which overall are not in tune with the changes and modern needs of the market. The scarce dynamism of the local productive system, the conditions of structures and infrastructures, and the need to add maximum value to the potentialities present in the territory are top priorities requiring urgent attention. At the same time there is the need to provide new impulses to programs for training and updating so as to ensure sufficient levels of professionalism in the local workforce able to respond to the management needs of a rapidly evolving market. In addition to the research of the evolution and management of anthropic landscapes, it is necessary to also consider, along with the structural, social and economic conditions of the area under study, the policies, actions and interventions which will affect them in the future. These aspects will be the object of analysis and orientation of the study as planned by the project.
EVOLUZIONE E GESTIONE DEI PAESAGGI ANTROPIZZATI Le differenze esistenti fra le diverse aree geografiche e i fenomeni che hanno contribuito ad incrementarle, determinano specifiche realtà economiche come quella prevalentemente pastorale della Sardegna centro-orientale. La valorizzazione delle potenzialità di un’area richiede, com’è noto, la compenetrazione tra i diversi settori economici. Le realtà economiche in esame presentano ambiti produttivi in crescita ai quali si contrappongono zone marginali, spesso mal collegate e integrate con altre parti del territorio isolano, interessate da un relativo benessere. Le aree in crescita includono tutte quelle zone dove di recente si sono sviluppate attività connesse al comparto turistico. Il turismo e le relative attività terziarie hanno mostrato, soprattutto negli anni Novanta, tassi di espansione che si sono sovrapposti alla dinamica assai meno vivace dei settori più tradizionali e alla flessione del settore agricolo. Tuttavia, la popolazione residente cresce lentamente a causa di un incremento naturale compensato da un saldo migratorio negativo; vi sono, infine, dei comuni caratterizzati da decremento della popolazione e da bassa densità demografica. Questi comuni sono ubicati nella zona più interna, dove sono meno presenti le attività industriali e prevalgono, ancora oggi, l’agricoltura e la silvicoltura, per lo più condotte con sistemi tradizionali e nel complesso poco attente all’evoluzione e alle nuove esigenze del mercato. Lo scarso dinamismo del sistema produttivo locale, le condizioni strutturali e infrastrutturali e l’esigenza di valorizzare al massimo tutte le potenzialità presenti sul territorio rappresentano i punti prioritari da inserire, con urgenza, tra gli interventi programmatici; accanto a queste permane la necessità di dare un nuovo impulso alle iniziative di formazione e aggiornamento, tali da assicurare livelli di professionalità nelle forze di lavoro locali rispondenti alle esigenze gestionali e di un mercato in rapida evoluzione. A compendio delle linee di ricerca sull’evoluzione e gestione dei paesaggi antropizzati è necessario accennare non solo alle condizioni strutturali, sociali ed economiche delle aree di riferimento, ma anche a quelle politiche e alle azioni e agli interventi che li interesseranno di qui ai prossimi anni. Politiche, azioni e interventi che possono modificare, conservare e recuperare il paesaggio di quelle aree e che, essendo già in corso o in attesa di attuazione, saranno pertanto oggetto di analisi e comunque di orientamento per lo studio previsto con il progetto.
Evoluzione e gestione dei paesaggi antropizzati / Carboni, Donatella; Gutierrez, Michele Mario. - 1:(2009), pp. 71-89.
Evoluzione e gestione dei paesaggi antropizzati
CARBONI, Donatella;GUTIERREZ, Michele Mario
EVOLUTION AND MANAGMENT OF ANTHROPIZATED LANDSCAPES The differences, which exist between the various geographic areas and the phenomena that have contributed to increasing these differences, determine specific economic realities, as can be seen in the prevalently pastoral economy of central-eastern Sardinia. It is known that exploitation of the potential of an area requires penetration among the various economic sectors. The economic realities studied present growing productive zones which are in contrast with marginal areas that are often poorly linked and integrated with the other parts of the island territory, where there is a relative sense of well-being. The areas of growth include those zones where tourism has recently been developed. Tourism and the tertiary activities linked to it have shown, above all in the 1990s, greater rates of expansion compared to less dynamic traditional sectors and the agricultural sector which has been generally in decline. Nevertheless, the resident population has grown very slowly due to a natural increase offset by a negative migratory balance; there are also municipalities characterized by a decrease in population and low demographic density. These towns are located in the interior where there are few industries and a prevalence of largely traditional agricultural and sylvicultural activities which overall are not in tune with the changes and modern needs of the market. The scarce dynamism of the local productive system, the conditions of structures and infrastructures, and the need to add maximum value to the potentialities present in the territory are top priorities requiring urgent attention. At the same time there is the need to provide new impulses to programs for training and updating so as to ensure sufficient levels of professionalism in the local workforce able to respond to the management needs of a rapidly evolving market. In addition to the research of the evolution and management of anthropic landscapes, it is necessary to also consider, along with the structural, social and economic conditions of the area under study, the policies, actions and interventions which will affect them in the future. These aspects will be the object of analysis and orientation of the study as planned by the project.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.