The international network of provenance and progeny trials was established in 1998 benefiting from homogeneous plant raising and standardize experimental design. The trials include 34 provenances that are being characterised by several teams. France 2008. Provenance PT 23 and PT+ES 25 had the lowest survival rate. In 2008 the mean height was 48.73 cm and the form keeps plagiotropic. Italy- Sardinia, 2010 - The average mortality was 7%. Mean height and trunk DBH over cork were respectively 273 and 5.1 cm. MO I-2, TU II, ES 4-CR are above mean on height (302-309 cm), and the Italian provenances are under mean (237-249cm). Italy- Roccarespampani, Lazio- The mortality is about 45% and it is the only plantation site where the French provenance FR3 has a growth above mean. Portugal. Results show significant differences among populations on survival and growth. The Moroccan provenances show good adaptive characteristics in terms of growth, vigour and stem form. Italian provenances present lower height but higher survival. The overall mortality is around 26%. The highest growth is being observed in the Moroccan provenances and French ones showed lowest survival. Provenances and plantation sites are characterised for rainfall regime. The provenances Morocco MA27 and Tunisia TU33 that are from sites of high rainfall are among the best on growth at sites of considerable more xerothermic climate. If persistent at older age these results indicate that fast adaptation of cork oak populations to cope with climate changes leading to drier and warmer conditions seems possible.
La rete internazionale di parcelle sperimentali è stata avviata nel 1998 a partire da materiale di propagazione omogeneo e con un condiviso disegno sperimentale. Le prove di campo comprendono 34 provenienze che sono state caratterizzate con l’uso di tecniche di genetica quantitativa e molecolare per studiare sopravvivenza, accrescimento, aspetti morfologici e fisiologici in relazione all’origine geografica. Francia, 2008. La provenienza PT23 e PT+ES 25 ebbero la più bassa percentuale di sopravvivenza. Nel 2008 l’altezza media era di 49 cm e l’habitus vegetativo risultava plagiotropico. Italia – Sardegna, 2010. La mortalità media era del 7%. L’altezza media e il diametro del fusto “a petto d’uomo” erano nell’ordine pari a 273 e 5.1 cm. MO I-2, TU II, ES 4-CR fornivano valori di altezza superiori alla media, mentre le provenienze italiane si collocavano tutte al di sotto della media. Portogallo. I risultati mostrano differenze significative tra le popolazioni per sopravvivenza, accrescimento e capacità di adattamento (fenologia ed efficienza nell’uso dell’acqua). Le provenienze marocchine hanno mostrato buone capacità di adattamento in termini di accrescimento, vigore e regolarità del fusto, mentre quelle italiane evidenziavano accrescimenti ridotti ma alta capacità di sopravvivenza. La mortalità generale era prossima al 26%. Il maggiore accrescimento era osservato nelle provenienze marocchine mentre quelle francesi hanno fornito la più basse percentuali di sopravvivenza. Questi risultati dovrebbero essere tenuti da conto quando l’origine del materiale di propagazione è presa in esame in vista di estesi progetti di piantumazione dove risulta importante la capacità di adattamento, la qualità del sughero, la sensibilità a malattie e parassiti animali e per la conservazione di risorse genetiche. Le prove di progenie hanno fornito informazioni chiave per i programmi di miglioramento genetico tesi ad incrementare aspetti di importanza economica quali la qualità del sughero ovvero per approcciarsi ai problemi di consanguineità.
Characterization of the international network FAIR 202 of provenance and progeny trials of cork oak on multiple sites for further use on forest sustainable management and conservation of genetic resources / Varela, Mc; Tessier, C; Ladier, J; Dettori, Sandro; Filigheddu, Maria Rosaria; Bellarosa, R; Vessella, F; Almeida, Mh; Sampaio, T; Patrício, Ms. - 1:(2015), pp. 65-73. (Intervento presentato al convegno Second International Congress of Silviculture Designing the future of the forestry sector tenutosi a Firenze nel 26-29 novembre 2014) [].
Characterization of the international network FAIR 202 of provenance and progeny trials of cork oak on multiple sites for further use on forest sustainable management and conservation of genetic resources
DETTORI, SandroInvestigation
;FILIGHEDDU, Maria RosariaInvestigation
The international network of provenance and progeny trials was established in 1998 benefiting from homogeneous plant raising and standardize experimental design. The trials include 34 provenances that are being characterised by several teams. France 2008. Provenance PT 23 and PT+ES 25 had the lowest survival rate. In 2008 the mean height was 48.73 cm and the form keeps plagiotropic. Italy- Sardinia, 2010 - The average mortality was 7%. Mean height and trunk DBH over cork were respectively 273 and 5.1 cm. MO I-2, TU II, ES 4-CR are above mean on height (302-309 cm), and the Italian provenances are under mean (237-249cm). Italy- Roccarespampani, Lazio- The mortality is about 45% and it is the only plantation site where the French provenance FR3 has a growth above mean. Portugal. Results show significant differences among populations on survival and growth. The Moroccan provenances show good adaptive characteristics in terms of growth, vigour and stem form. Italian provenances present lower height but higher survival. The overall mortality is around 26%. The highest growth is being observed in the Moroccan provenances and French ones showed lowest survival. Provenances and plantation sites are characterised for rainfall regime. The provenances Morocco MA27 and Tunisia TU33 that are from sites of high rainfall are among the best on growth at sites of considerable more xerothermic climate. If persistent at older age these results indicate that fast adaptation of cork oak populations to cope with climate changes leading to drier and warmer conditions seems possible.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.