MASCIA, Maria Lidia
MASCIA, Maria Lidia
A pilot study on individual and contextual factors influencing teachers’ digitalisation process
2024-01-01 Cataudella, Stefania; Mascia, Maria Lidia; Agus, Mirian; Ifenthaler, Dirk; Tomczyk, Łukasz; Pietronilla Penna, Maria
Digital competence of Higher Education teachers in research work: validation of an explanatory and confirmatory model
2024-01-01 Guillén-Gámeza, Francisco D.; Tomczyk, Łukasz; Colomo-Magaña, Ernesto; Mascia, Maria Lidia
Emotional Intelligence, Self-Regulation, Smartphone Addiction: Which Relationship With Student Well-Being and Quality of Life?
2020-01-01 Mascia, M. L.; Agus, M.; Penna, M. P.
How are teachers being attacked online? On cyberbullying and cyberaggression that targets school educators from the student’s perspective
2024-01-01 Tomczyk, L.; Guillen-Gamez, F. D.; Mascia, M. L.; Llorent, V. J.
Moral disengagement, empathy, and cybervictim’s representation as predictive factors of cyberbullying among italian adolescents
2021-01-01 Mascia, M. L.; Agus, M.; Zanetti, M. A.; Pedditzi, M. L.; Rollo, D.; Lasio, M.; Penna, M. P.
Problematic Smartphone Use among Young People and the Use of Additional Social Networking Software—an Example from Bosnia and Herzegovina
2024-01-01 Tomczyk, L.; Lizde, E. S.; Mascia, M. L.; Bonfiglio, N. S.; Renati, R.; Guillen-Gamez, F. D.; Penna, M. P.
Smartphone Distraction: Italian Validation of the Smartphone Distraction Scale (SDS)
2023-01-01 Mascia, M. L.; Agus, M.; Tomczyk, L.; Bonfiglio, N. S.; Bellini, D.; Penna, M. P.
The Italian version of the mobile phone problematic use scale for adults (MPPUS): A validation study
2022-01-01 Agus, M.; Mascia, M. L.; Bonfiglio, N. S.; Penna, M. P.