FALCHI, Simonetta
FALCHI, Simonetta
" 'Maddening Endurance' Post-modern Images of Ophelia’s Madness"
2009-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"'The Lady of Shalott' in Pre-raphaellite paintings"
2012-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"'The Lady of Shalott' nella pittura preraffaellita"
2010-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Assuero: un nome persiano identitario per ebrei e cristiani"
2008-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Davies's Dickens”
2015-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Deledda Speaks English"
2007-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta; Stefania, Gandin
"Dickensian Rhythms: The Pickwick Papers and its Italian Translations"
2015-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Dissolvenze e tramonto del mito dell’Ebreo Errante nella Letteratura Inglese del XVIII e XIX secolo"
2009-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Ophelia"
2011-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Errare humanum est. Re-writing the Myth of the Wandering Jew after the Shoah"
2007-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Ewa/Eva: Constructing/Translating the Self into the Language of the Other"
2011-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Fading out of the Myth of the Wandering Jew in Nineteenth-Century English Literature"
2008-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"L’Olde Man del 'Pardoner’s Tale' e lo sviluppo del mito dell’Ebreo Errante in Inghilterra"
2010-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Maddening Endurance: Ophelia's Madness and its implications in Heiner Müller's 'Hamletmachine'"
2007-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Pre-Raphaelite Remediation of Hamlet’s Ophelia",
2013-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"Radcliffe's Italians as Prototypes of the English Wandering Jew"
2010-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"The opposite of History in not Myth but Forgetfulness". Elie Wiesel's "The Wandering Jew"
2010-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
"“Italians are essentially dramatic”. The encounter with the Other in Forster’s Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905) and its 1991 filmic remediation"
2014-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta
Deledda Speaks English
2010-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta; Gandin, Stefania
Elizabeth Siddal. Ritratti dell’artista da giovane
2012-01-01 Falchi, Simonetta